Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Represent Yourself in A Car Accident Beware Be a Victim Twice By Taking Less

The unrepresented segment in car accidents is a term coined by big liability insurance interests. In this article we will explore evidence of why in many claims you are going to likely end up with less.

Just google "Will hiring a lawyer get me more money" you will come up with the answer. Although there is no guarantee in serious cases a good personal injury lawyer that works up your insurance claim settlement likely will get you more money.

Why do you think the insurance claims adjustor will tell you not to get a lawyer. So they can pay you less. You don't get something significant for nothing. but you can make yourself a victim twice . Once when you were hurt by carelessness. and second when you acted as your own lawyer and took a lowball offer .

A personal injury lawyer gives you ammunition in your arsenal . It alllows your claim to be put in the best light. You have the option to file a lawsuit instead of taking the low ball offer.



by   Anthony Castelli Attorney
  8170 Corporate Park Drive #220 Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
  Phone: 513-621-2345 URL of Map

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