The car motorcycle accident crash was described in news reports as hitting the back of Jason Claypool's motorcycle on I-75 at I-74. The impact forced Mr Claypool into a guardrail. Once again the news ,as usual, commented that Mr Claypool did not wear a helmet. So what. That just tarnishes the loss of a father of three children and feeds into prejudices against motorcycles.
In Ohio it is perfectly legal if you have been riding for more than a year to not wear a helmet. Certainly not wearing a helmet had nothing to do with this terrible car motorcycle accident. The fact is that this man was doing what he enjoyed and what he had the absolute right to do.
It only takes a careless moment to destroy a life. A motorcyclist can take every precaution in the world and still end up seriously injured or killed because an auto driver did not Watch for Motorcycles or did not Look Twice.
By Anthony Castelli Attorney Cincinnati car accident lawyer